reflection that the PD of Basilicata and the Province of Matera is developing in recent months, is certainly on an advanced compared with the national and as such may be useful not only to the territory. This is undoubtedly due to the choices that were made in the past and have contributed greatly to the definition of equilibria and stability it now enjoys the PD Lucan. However, we believe that the balance and stability are useful if you serve the interests of the community and especially if exploited for the implementation of reform-minded and farsighted policies seriously. The route started from Hope and from all over the leadership of the Democratic Party in Lucan "Rifreddo" we are convinced that it can be a good strategy to "raise the bar of politics." This even more so because we believe that the need del'avvio this path comes from the awareness that in our region, so much has been done, but we can and must do much more. Basilicata net of bipartisan praise that the regional government is receiving for the policies put in place, it is a region that is struggling to grow and that can not be competitive. Read the difficulties of our land decontextualizing all, or not taking into account the international crisis and del'incapacità of a nation to develop policies and then developing practical policies for revitalizing the entire south, could be very instrumental. They also demand that all graduates remain or return in Basilicata Basilicata is probably too ambitious.
We believe, however, that Young Democrats at least try to create the conditions for those who are tied to their emotions, who is tied to the places of his childhood, who is willing to invest in our region, those who believe in the potential development of Basilicata , should not feel like a hero.
To create these conditions say that while it is essential to implement new policies for development, making Basilicata more connected and accessible, improve the quality of services, invest the university, the other is essential to avoid fraying the bonds of affection that has always characterized the relationship between the Lucan and its territory.
This is because, especially for young people in the decision between migration and remain in Basilicata that link occupies a particularly significant role. We young democrats believe that one of the most sensitive and useful to the process of consolidation rather than of attrition of this link, it is the confidence that it has against the ruling class of this region. So we think that the call for a greater sense of ethics and responsibility made by our regional secretary of Hope to all the PD is particularly relevant. It will be more useful, the more will be heard and informed, and as the same will follow a new and deeper phase of listening to the whole society Lucan. Precisely for this reason, we Young Democrats, these days we will start all over the province of Matera, a closer dialogue with all groups and all those movements that the dynamics of daily living area. Starting afresh from a descendant of U.S. attention is paid an inappropriate way to break down the boundary between politics and society that is "civil society" is what we will do. Try to build together a keener debate and reflection will be more acute the leitmotif of this new campaign DIVIDED BY (L) U.S..
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